Sunday, April 6, 2008

Madonna - Express yourself

First video that shows half-naked men, which today happens in every other music video or so. In the video Madonna tells women to only take the best (Men used to be the ones that were able to choose) and not give up until their perfect fit is found. In the Chorus she sings „you’ve got to, make him express how he feels.“ With this she is saying that women need to make men express themselves and show their love to them, otherwise they are not worth it. She implies that she finds that men should be more sensitive and show feelings and not only be the way they used to be: same-looks, strong muscles and without feelings. Madonna does not want this role-model man anymore, she wants that men give everything to a woman, open up to them and confess their feelings.

1 comment:

DC said...


Nice analysis of the video, which I think is right on. I'm not sure if it was the "first" video to show half-naked men, but certainly it was one of the first. Madonna certainly pushed the envelope in the 1980's (with gender and everything else) which made her such a provocative and popular artist.