Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Gender Traits Test

As a young man, it is instinct to try to lean towards the "manly" side when taking a gender traits test. I didnt follow my instinct and I was truthful in my descriptions of my character and behavior, and I found out I have an androgynous personality. During our discussion DC brought up a point that my image on campus is more of a extroverted, jock type, and he was surprised to find that I scored an androgynous character and I'm happy about that. Altogether our class was wide spread amongst scores, and it was interesting to compare our thoughts to what the test told us.

1 comment:

DC said...

Adrian, thanks for your thoughtul response... your self-assessment is more androgenous which will allow you to get along with all types of people. It seems that the more you get to know people the more reveal the the more sensitive and vulnerable non-masculine side (that pattern is very common among young men). That's all I meant by my comment about public vs. private. I'm enjoying getting to know that side of you.